Monday, May 28, 2012

30 weeks

We're gonna see you in less than 10 weeks time, Baby G!

The feeling of becoming mommy again is overwhelming! It seems like yesterday when we just found out that I'm conceived with Aden korkor, and now I'm having Baby G didi!

How time flies!

This pregnancy is definitely much more challenging compared to the first. Not that I have bad morning sickness (thankfully!), my emotional health kind of suffered.

During the first pregnancy, everything seem to be going on so smoothly. It could be due to the "honeymoon" feeling we had as we just got together and got married, bought a house and arrival of Aden. Everything was good!

As for this pregnancy, not that Daddy and I are no longer in love (we are very much more loving actually!), things are more settled down and we have to manage a lot of things in every aspects of our lives. Hence, there are moments when my hormones decide to take charge and negatives thoughts began to fill my mind. But I know I have to overcome this and Daddy is in this with me. :)

One more thing to cheer about is my pregnancy weight! Yay! At 30 weeks, I've gained 10kg so far. I don't remember how much I put on by 30th week during the first pregnancy but by the time I gave birth to Aden at almost 40th week, I put on close to 20 kilos! So 10 more weeks to go and I hope I can maintain or maybe, just maybe, another 2 kilos more.

Another milestone in our lives. It will be challenging for sure but I know the Chewies can overcome this together. After all, haven't we been trying many new things together? :)

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